The 7 Best Things About Being Single
6. You Have a Plethora of Time to Focus on You and You Alone
Relationships are great, and being there for someone else is really special. You know what else is special though? Focusing on yourself, your wants, and your needs before everything else. When you’re single you can dedicate time to your own hobbies and interests with reckless abandon.
You can waste hours walking through museums you love, lying on the floor snuggling your pet, and slapping paint on every canvas you can get your hands on. You don’t have to worry about making anyone else happy but yourself.
7. You Can Figure Out What YOU Want
Planning your life with your significant other is cool and all, but having that single time to truly figure out what it is that you want for your life free of other people’s dreams is imperative. The only way you can truly create a life you’re happy with is by knowing what you want and need as an individual. People come and go, whether that be by choice or not, so you want to make sure the life you’re left with after them is one you still have a fiery passion for living.
Featured image via Create Her Stock
Last modified on February 26th, 2018
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