"Our mission is to create a community of women helping each other grapple their finances, navigate their career, and live life to the fullest."
Earn Spend Live came to be when a Finance editor sat down with a Careers editor and decided we had a lot in common. We’re both professionals in our twenties, learning how to manage our work responsibilities and make smart(ish) financial decisions, all while trying to remember to fold our laundry. Being an adult is hard, but we want to make it easier.
As professional twentysomethings, we know we don’t have it all figured out – so we wanted to create a space where other twentysomethings (like you!) can come to get direct and to-the-point advice on climbing up the career ladder, setting yourself up for financial success, and still making time to veg out on the couch with a good movie. Earn Spend Live is our place to bring you first-person accounts of what it really takes to make it.
Elise is Co-Founder and Editor of Earn Spend Live—although when binge-watching Sailor Moon and eating frozen pizza becomes a profitable career, she’ll leave the world of digital publishing behind. She holds a BA in technical writing from The University of Central Arkansas and resides in AR with her cat Lazarus and husband Cody.
Meleah is Co-Founder of Earn Spend Live. Using her feminine wiles and maybe a touch of black magic, she tricked her partner into moving one block away from her mother in Conway, AR with their two dogs and a ferret…because why not? She and Elise have known each other for years, but only recently discovered their undying love for each other. She, too, has a BA in technical writing from The University of Central Arkansas.