The Life List Planner: Taking Goal-Setting to the Next Level
There are normal planners with the layout and organization we’re all used to, and then there’s the Life List Planner. Life List has a completely unique organization and it’s full of unique tools that are often overlooked in other planners. Technically, the Life List Planner is a weekly planner, but the way it presents the weeks and other sections of the planner really makes it one of a kind.
Before I tell you about all of the details and specifics, you need to know just how this planner is organized. Laminated tabs signal the start of each section, and they’re in this order:
- Calendar (all the monthly calendars are together)
- Goals (all the goal setting you could want)
- Life List (the technical weekly layout)
- Tracker (to track absolutely anything)
- Notes
- Fill me in (blank pages galore)
- Year-end (for all your end-of-year reflection)
Just a tad different, isn’t it? Okay, now let’s talk the nitty gritty.
The Calendar Section
Here, all of the monthly calendars for the year are in one place and there’s also a mini monthly calendar for quick reference. Each monthly calendar has a vertical column for notes. It’s meant to help you quickly look over your month free from the distraction of the weekly and daily details of your life.
The Goals Section
Now the goals section is where things really get interesting in the Life List planner. There are eight worksheets for you to do, and each one helps you figure out what your dreams and goals are, and brings you closer to making those dreams and goals specific. You’ll write down how you can achieve those goals and dreams, what your action steps will be, and when you want to have certain things accomplished or finished in the year.
All of this is meant to help you work toward your goals throughout the year. The things you write down in the goals section will guide you in the individual months and weeks as you figure out what you need to be doing and focusing on. It also provides you with a space to make a plan so that when life gets hectic (as it always does) you’ll be better able to stay on track.
The Life List Section
Now this section is technically your weekly calendar, but it’s entirely different from any weekly spread you’ve ever used or seen. There are four weekly spreads for each month set off by the monthly intention page and the monthly assessment page. On the monthly intention page you’ll fill in the blank to this sentence, “January is [blank].” Whatever you want the month to be about is what you write down. The monthly assessment page is where you reflect on the work you did and the progress you made so you can do better in the next month.
Back to the actual weekly layouts. Each week has a two-page spread, but instead of the standard horizontal or vertical layout in each one, there’s a whole lot of space for lists. Each page is divided into two. The left hand is a full-length to-do list on both pages, and the right side of each page is divided into small chunks for each day. These chunks have more to-do list lines.
You write down all of the tasks you have for the week in the longer to-do lists and then you write specific things for individual days in the day sections. You can use the day sections for things that are due, for your schedule, or just for tasks. There are already boxes placed by each line, but you can always write the time of your dentist appointment on the line.
At the bottom of the left-hand page you have a box for your weekly goal action and the challenges and wins for the week. The bottom of the right hand page has your gratitude boxes. These spaces serve to make you aware of your challenges, but also remind you of the things you’re lucky for and help you celebrate the challenges you overcome.
The weekly spreads are designed to focus on productivity and completing your tasks so you can live an effective and productive life.
The Tracking Section
When you flip to the tracking section you find pages filled with lines. Each page has a chunk of lines on the top and bottom, and those chunks have a “date/item” side and a “details” side. Here, you write down what you’re tracking and the day you completed the habit or task, and how well you did with it.
For example, if you’re tracking days at the gym, then you can write down what your workout was and for how long you exercised on the “details” line. There are no directions for you to follow, so you can really use this space however is best for you.
The Notes and Fill Me In Sections
Whenever you need a space to write down notes, think through ideas, or brainstorm a solution to a problem, you can use the Notes or Fill Me In sections. The Notes section is full of lined pages with a thin, lined column to the right for the very important things.
The Fill Me In section, however, is straight-up blank pages. You can doodle, create outlines, charts, graphs, or absolutely whatever else you want to. These two sections are all about allowing you to have the space to think.
The Year-End Section
At the end of the year, you can turn to this section to think back over the last 12 months. Here, you can answer questions about how much progress you made on your goals, think about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, and celebrate the highlights and accomplishments you experienced. All of this is meant to show you how much progress you’ve made and to help you identify the things you can do better in the next year so you can be even more successful.
Is the Life List Planner Right for You?
If you find yourself drowning in tasks and without a need for a schedule, then yes. With the Life List Planner you stand a better chance of having a wonderfully productive year. It’s easy to carry around with you, comes in four cover options, and is only $37.83.
Follow Terra on Instagram: @terrabrown3
Last modified on January 3rd, 2024
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