13 Halloween Movies to Free You From the Freeform Monotony

Halloween is fast approaching, and if you’re tired of the same-old-stuff-every-year 13 Nights of Halloween on ABC Family Freeform, then look no further for a no-repeats, option-friendly schedule.
Whether you’re in the mood for funny or scary, a taste of nostalgia, or you’re short on time, we’ve got the Halloween flicks to prepare you for a night of trick-or-treating and partying (or just eating candy on the couch, no judgment here).
Halloween Movies for When You’re Feeling Nostalgic
Image via DisneyAfterDarkk
When Marnie learns that she’s a witch, she follows her grandmother to Halloweentown, a place where zombies, ghosts, and danger are all real. Halloweentown is a quirky coming-of-age story complete with Debbie Reynolds and awesome Halloween decorations. Don’t tell me you didn’t watch this every time it came on Disney Channel (and still do, don’t lie).
Get the first two movies on DVD for $7.99!
Hocus Pocus
Image via DisneyHocusPocus
To break it down, a virgin lights the black flame candle and brings the wacky Sanderson sisters (Hi, SJP in a wig) back from the dead. Hocus Pocus is a Halloween classic that introduced all us Disney Channel kids to the concepts of virgins and “yabbos”—and also starred your childhood sexual awakening in the form of Thackery Binx (did you realize his name wasn’t Zachary?).
Get it on DVD for $4.99!
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, has grown tired of scaring and yearns for something new when he stumbles upon Christmas Town. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a story about accepting who you are—and it also explains why Santa Claus has been in charge of Christmas for so long. Another delightful stop-motion musical by Tim Burton, this is a classic for basically all the fall and winter holidays. Or even the summer and spring ones, if you’re me.
Get it on DVD for $7.99!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Image via TheRockyHorrorPictureShowOfficial
Let’s Do the Time Warp Again, all the way back to the ‘70s. Brad’s and Janet’s car breaks down and they stumble into Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s mansion, where a man is being built and Brad and Janet may find more temptations than they can resist. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the cult classic that sparked live performance screenings and one of the best scenes in Perks of Being a Wallflower (not to mention it was recently turned into one of those TV specials on FOX), if you haven’t seen Tim Curry in fish-nets and a corset then you’re missing out.
Get it on DVD for $19.25!
Halloween Movies for When You Want to Be Scared
The Babadook
Image via thebabadookmovie
If it’s in a word, or it’s in a look, you can’t get rid of…The Babadook. After the death of her husband, a single mother’s young son claims there is a presence in their house. But soon it’s not just her son who sees the monster, and it’s not just in the house. Despite having one of the most annoying kid actors in the business, this Australian low-budget is a strangely poetic and extremely creepy film that will be the source of your new Halloween ringtone.
Get it on DVD for $6.89!
Cabin in the Woods
Image via TheCabinInTheWoods
This is Joss Whedon’s answer to the horror-movie trope. Five friends decide to take a fun vacation to a cabin in the woods that turns out to be anything but. Throw in a mysterious underground government division and you’ve got yourself a sci-fi-horror flick that turns the stereotypes on their tails. It stars Chris Hemsworth and some of Whedon’s favorite players, and trust me—you won’t be expecting all the twists this film takes.
Get it on DVD for $3.99!
The Witch
Image via TheWitchMovie
A Puritan family is outcast from their village and forced to live on the edge of the woods. When bad things start happening, the blame falls on the eldest daughter, who’s accused of being a witch. If you’re looking for a scream-and-shout horror romp, this is not your flick. But if you’re interested in a truly terrifying historical look into what might have caused the hysteria of the Salem witch trials, then this is for you. Just don’t get lost in the dark.
Get it on DVD for $8.99!
The Craft
Image via brandy.behymer.7
Sarah, the new student at a Catholic high school, falls in with a trio of girls everyone says are witches. But what the other kids say is true, and Sarah might turn out to be the most powerful of the coven. That is, if Nancy will just let her live. A look into what makes good witches good and bad witches very bad.
Get it on DVD for $9.95!
Halloween Movies for When You Want a Good Laugh
Image via cinemartistry
Based on the board game of the same name, six guests are invited to dinner at a hill-top mansion during a storm. There’s murder, blackmail, and Tim Curry as Wadsworth the butler. A witty slapstick comedy for the ages, you’ll be quoting this one for years. It’s my all-time favorite film and it never gets old. Complete with alternate endings you can watch at random, half the fun is seeing how it all fits together.’
Get it on DVD for $5.97!
The Addams Family
Image via TheAddamsFamilyMovie
Does this movie need any explanation? A group of con artists try to con the Addams, and hilarity ensues—but the con might just be on them. The Addams Family provides endless quote material and that macabre sense of style you’ve come to expect from Gomez, Tish, and the whole clan.
Get it on DVD for $6.79!
What We Do in the Shadows
Image via WhatWeDoInTheShadows
What We Do in the Shadows is a documentary about a group of vampires in need of a new roommate. It’s full of dry humor and sarcasm, and it’s all your roommate woes in the form of different generations of vampires trying to create a chore chart. Bonus, it’s made by the creators of Flight of the Conchords and just as hysterically ridiculous. Don’t miss the Unholy Masquerade dance at the end.
Get it on DVD for $9.99!
Young Frankenstein
Image via YoungFrankensteinMovie
Gene Wilder’s character inherits the castle of his grandfather, Dr. Victor von Frankenstein, and with it his lab assistant Igor and the notes for all his work. Despite his claims that he’s not as insane as his grandfather, the lure of reanimation causes him to change his mind. Puns and witty dialogue galore.
Get it on DVD for $4.99!
BONUS: If You’re Short on Time
Boys Meets World, Season 5, Episode 17 “And Then There Was Shawn”
Image via ouat2011
During after-school detention and amid rising tensions, the gang finds themselves locked in the school with a killer. Follow Shawn as he attempts to predict the killer’s every move—with dire consequences. This episode also guest stars Jennifer Love Hewitt and the spookiest janitor ever. It’s seriously one of my favorite episodes and also one I’ve learned not to watch alone in the dark.
Follow Taylor on Twitter: @taylorleahicks | Instagram: @taylorleah88
Last modified on November 2nd, 2017
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