Pumpkin Spice Up My Life: 6 Reasons We Basic Bitches Love Fall

It’s Fall, y’all, and you know what that means. The temperatures are (finally) cooling off, the trees are starting to change colors, and the moment we’ve all been waiting for is here: The beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte (aka the true reason for the season).
So why is everyone in such a pissy mood? I don’t know about you, but I’m just about sick of every article on the internet trying to make me feel bad about liking what I like. Do I enjoy a good PSL? Yes. Does that make me vapid and uninteresting? Hell no. As our editor Elise would say: JUST LET ME LIVE. Why do you have to hate something just because everyone enjoys it?
So, without further ado, here are the top seven reasons (this is really just the tip of the iceberg though; this would be an extremely long and boring article if I listed every single one) why I am unabashedly that “basic bitch” as soon as September rolls around — and why I really don’t give a shit what you (or anyone else) think about it.
I don’t care who you are; after suffering through the last hellish weeks of summer (especially in the South where the heat is literally strangling you), those first few chilly mornings and evenings are f*cking amazing and you know it. And yes, I will absolutely take the first opportunity I can get to pull all of my beautiful, wonderful sweaters out of the depths of my closet — even if I’m sweating by the time the noon sun rolls around.
And just in case you’re wondering: Once the temperatures really settle into their perfect fall-ness, I will also happily wear my Ugg boots wherever I damn well please, so keep your judgmental glares to yourself, please and thank you! And while we’re on the topic….
Leggings ARE Pants and They’re Comfy AF
Let’s get a few things straight for all of you who think that “leggings aren’t pants.” First of all, they cover your ass and have two holes for your legs, so by definition they are, in fact, pants. Second of all, while I agree that wearing semi-translucent, extremely tight pants to work (or out in public at all) may not be the most professional thing in the world, I do think there are tasteful ways to wear your leggings and rock them. Under over-sized sweaters, for one example. Or under a dress/skirt that would ordinarily be too short or too revealing for work/school.
Moral of the story: make good decisions, but also: don’t knock it til’ you try it.
Regardless of the weather outside, as soon as September 1st hits, you better believe I will be lighting up every single fall-scented candle known to existence in every room of my house. There is literally nothing more comforting than the smell of “Autumn Afternoon,” “Warm Apple Pie,” and “Fireside Embers.” It’s like a hug for your soul.
PS(L), I Love You
One of the best things about Fall is that not only do you get to smell all of the wonderful scents — you also get to eat (and drink) them. From gingerbread to cinnamon apple to roasted chestnuts, Fall is just yummy. My personal favorite though is pumpkin spice (‘cause I’m a #basicbitch, duh).
Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice Hershey kisses, pumpkin spice cupcakes, even pumpkin spice toothpaste…Bring it on. All of it. I don’t care if it’s nutritious; it’s f*cking delicious and I’ve got a pretty little finger reserved for anyone who tries to stand in the way of me enjoying my PSL.
Fall: It’s Effing Beautiful
Even if you put aside all the cheesy traditions that come with the Fall season, it’s still worth appreciating for its sheer beauty alone. There is no greater time of the year to take a road trip, to attend a bonfire, or to simply sit outside and breathe that crisp fall air. If you don’t live somewhere where the leaves change colors, I sincerely apologize, because Fall is one of the few times of the year when I truly love living in the good ole Natural State — no matter where you look, it’s stunning.
Hello, Holidays
And finally, the biggest reason Fall makes me all warm and fuzzy inside: It’s the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year. If you know me at all, you know that I have never met a holiday I didn’t like — but the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas combo definitely takes the cake. From costume contests to cheesy sweaters, candy corns to cheesecake, what more could you ask for? The older I get, the more I realize that all I need in life is good food and good company (which doesn’t include you PSL haters, so goodbye).
P.S. Is it too soon to start listening to Christmas music?? (#sorrynotsorry)
Last modified on October 13th, 2017
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