4 Subscription Boxes You Need Right Now (& Won’t Regret Later)

There are few things better than getting a package in the mail. That’s probably why I (and apparently everyone else) have caught the subscription box bug. The convenience, the personalization, the wonder—it’s just the perfect mix of mystery and surprise.
However exciting and enticing hand-picked boxes of goodies may be, what the subscription box market wants you to overlook is that pesky little price tag. And although $10 for a box here and $20 for a box there may not seem like much individually, these types of extra (and arguably unnecessary) expenses can really start to add up if you’re not careful. So here is a look at some of the best subscription boxes that may actually be worth the money you’re shelling out for them.
Stitch Fix
Personally, this is one of the best subscription boxes in existence. Stitch Fix is my guilty pleasure that I maybe (probably) should feel bad about, but I just don’t. Mostly because this is the one subscription box I have that doesn’t cost anything for the service itself. If you like looking good, but can never seem to find the time to go shopping, then Stitch Fix may be exactly what you need.
After taking a lengthy survey detailing your style, size preferences, and personal price points, Stitch Fix hooks you up with your very own personal stylist who will pick out no less than five items for you based on your tastes and budget — and send them to you as often (or as rarely) as you like! From there, you have three days to try on the clothes, shoes, and/or accessories and decide which ones you would like to keep—with the help of a styling card and personalized note from your stylist that details different ways to wear each item, as well as the cost of each one. Each shipment comes with a pre-addressed envelope for you to send back anything you don’t want, free of charge.
Once you log into your account, you indicate which items from your shipment you’re keeping, which ones you liked, which ones you didn’t, and why, so your stylist can get a better idea of what to send you next time. Here’s how the pricing works: You’re charged a $20 “styling fee” for each shipment you receive; however, this cost can be applied toward any item you decide to keep. If you choose to keep all five items (which I’ve done several times), you will receive 25% off the total price.
BarkBox, another pick for best subscription boxes, is great for any dog parent who’s constantly spoiling their pup (guilty). My dog is basically my best freaking friend, but he’s also a tiny psychopath who makes it his personal mission to dissect every toy he ever owns. So, for me, BarkBox was a no-brainer. A box full of toys and other goodies delivered to my house each month means that I don’t have to waste my time and energy going out to buy my dog a new toy every single week — and I don’t have to worry about a shortage of treats ever again!
The exact price for BarkBox will vary depending on how many months you sign up for (the more months, the cheaper per box), and the only downside is that you will have to pay for all of the boxes up-front rather than the price being deducted from your account monthly like many other subscription boxes. However, this is kind of a pro for me rather than a con—because I had to pay for six months all at once, this forced me to really make sure the box was worth it before submitting my credit card info.
Good news: it is! Every box comes with a card that tells you how much each individual toy or treat is worth (in case you want to buy more from the BarkShop), so it makes it easy to add up the total cost of the box and compare it to the cost you paid. For example, the value of one box alone totaled up to about $60, but the box itself only cost me $20 (with a six-month subscription). I’m also currently part of the “extra toy club” because of the many promotional “pup-grades” BarkBox frequently offers, meaning that each of my boxes comes with three toys (for the cost of two), two treats, and one other item that is selected at random.
There is definitely no shortage of options for beauty subscriptions, so it can be hard to decide on the best subscription boxes for you. This is why I did a lot of research before I settled on the Ipsy Glam Bag. Most beauty subscription boxes cost upwards of $20 a month or are limited to just one type of product. Not only does Ipsy include a wide range of products—from lipstick to face masks to hair spray—but they also send each month’s goodies in a cute, unique makeup bag that changes each month. Because I was wanting a cheap beauty subscription that would allow me to branch out and try new things, the versatility and low cost of Ipsy were very attractive. Also, after comparing it with a few others, I decided that Ipsy seemed to give you the most value for your money.
After you take a survey that details your style, beauty routine, and which brands and products you already use, Ipsy will send you a bag filled with five products that are tailored to your interests for just $13 a month. Though the products will range from samples to full-sized, the value of each bag will consistently fall between $30 and $50. Trying new beauty products can be a costly (and risky) endeavor, but Ipsy makes it easy and cheap—what more could you want?
Dollar Shave Club
Keeping your legs and armpits (and everything in between) silky smooth is hard to do without having sharp razors on hand. And keeping sharp razors on hand is hard to do if: A) you hate paying $15-$20 for razor replacements, B) you can never find the time to run to the store, or C) you’re like me, and every time you do find time to go to the store, you completely forget about buying razor replacements. It’s a tough life being a career woman, amirite?
Fortunately, Dollar Shave Club feels our collective pain, and they’re here to make our hectic lives just a little bit easier by completely eliminating the stress/financial strain of making sure we’re able to wear a skirt in public without dying of shame. For as low as $3 or as high as $9 per month (price varies depending on the blade you choose), you will never again have to shave with the same dull razor for an entire month (or more, let’s be real). Instead, you’ll get four new blades delivered to your door every single month so you’re able to enjoy a sharp blade shave every single week. Now that’s service, and a big reason for Dollar Shave Club ranking #4 of the best subscription boxes on the market today.
What about you? Do you agree with our 4 best subscription boxes or have a different one that should have made the list? Leave a comment and tell us what you think!
Last modified on April 18th, 2023
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