5 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With Your Subscription Box

Happily ever after is what you expect when you sign up for a subscription box. The first interaction was positive, and you see some real potential for a happy, long-term relationship. But what if you’re wrong?
There are warning signs you need to be on the look out for, just like with any relationship. If you experience any of the following signs, it’s time to walk away from the lecherous relationship you have with your subscription box. You deserve so much more, sister.
1. You Haven’t Been Satisfied in Months
The first few months of a subscription box are always exciting. It’s like the honeymoon stage of a new relationship, and you’re chomping at the bit to rip through that bubble wrap the same way you want to rip off the new hottie’s clothes. Sometimes the honeymoon stage ends, and then you’re faced with his/its flaws.
If it’s just a one-time let down, then no biggie. If it’s something that happens multiple times, well then it’s time to say goodbye. It’s not you, it’s the subscription box, and you deserve so much more from a service that gobbles up your hard-earned money every month.
You wouldn’t accept months of letdown from your lover, would you? No, you wouldn’t. Not even if your lover is hella fine and markets himself well. You’d channel Beyonce and tell him to put all of his stuff in a box to the left. You have to treat your subscription box the same way because if it lets you down once then it’s likely to do so again.
2. Your Financial Situation Changes
Like any relationship, subscription boxes cost you a pretty penny. Unlike actual humans though, subscription boxes won’t pay your bar cover when you’re low on cash. If your finances change, be it medical bills, a pay cut, or embarking on your dream startup, it’s best to call it off with your subscription box. You need that money, even if it’s only $10 a month, in order to survive.
If your guy knows you’re in a financial pickle and still asks you to pay for him constantly, you’d tell the jerk to find a new sugar mama. Deadbeat boyfriends and subscription boxes will both cause you to hemorrhage money, so if you can’t afford it anymore it’s time to stop the bleeding.
3. You Don’t Use Any of the Stuff You Get
This should be a no-brainer, but breaking up isn’t easy when you know it’s going to mean being alone/without a monthly gift in the mail. But just like it’s best to be single so you can meet a better guy, it’s better to forego that monthly delivery so your money is free to enrich your life in other ways.
You don’t need to stick with a subscription box simply because you might one day receive some makeup, clothing, or snacks you’ll enjoy one day. Your bathroom drawers don’t need to be cluttered with sample sizes you never use. Your closet space doesn’t need to be occupied by clothes you hate wearing. Your limited daily calories certainly shouldn’t be given to foods you hate eating.
Sever ties with your subscription box so you can use that money for things you do like and want.
4. The Subscription Box Service Isn’t Reliable
There’s literally nothing worse than a lover who’s all talk and no action. A subscription box that doesn’t ship and deliver when they say they will and always sends the wrong stuff is a close second though. You pay a lot of money for that service, and you should get what you were promised.
You wouldn’t let a guy get away with constantly backpedaling on the promises he made you. Apply the same standard and expectations to your subscription box. One mess-up is forgivable, but multiple mess-ups are not. Don’t let your subscription box service continue to burn you.
5. Your Subscription Box Doesn’t Listen to You
The only way a relationship works is if everyone actively listens to each other. Men who don’t listen to you when you’re stressed, sad, or concerned aren’t men worth your time. Any subscription box that doesn’t listen to your feedback, preferences, and tastes needs to go.Talking until you’re blue in the face is a major warning sign, girlfriend.
You can only pretend to love glittery blue eye shadow for so long. How many times do you have to remind your subscription box of your size before it starts to remember? If your man continuously showed how little he listens to you, you would call him out on it. And if that didn’t change things, you’d call it quits. Since you pay for your subscription box, you really shouldn’t tolerate anything less than the best.
Follow Terra on Instagram: @terrabrown3
Last modified on January 6th, 2017
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