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The ‘Jessica Jones’ Drinking Game You’ve Been Waiting For

Jessica Jones walking across a bridge
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We love Jessica Jones, for so many reasons. And we love drinking games. The hard-hitting detective knocks back more than a few of her own, and we can’t tell if that makes a drinking game more or less appealing, but we made one anyway. Here’s hoping it helps you celebrate the great moments and get through the rough ones – like the entire “AKA 1,000 Cuts” episode.

Take a sip every time:

  • Kilgrave says “Wellll,” in that way that reminds you of Doctor Who and breaks you inside.
  • They almost but don’t drop the F-bomb.
  • Someone hurts themselves for Kilgrave. (Face it, you were gonna do this anyway.)
  • Someone alludes to The Avengers or Daredevil.
  • A window breaks.
  • “NAOOW, JessicaaaAAAH!”
  • Trish is a badass, even without superpowers.
  • Luke Cage takes off his shirt (or someone takes it off for him).
  • Somebody refuses to believe in mind-control even though they live in a world where the existence of literal Asgardian gods is a known fact of life.

Take a shot when:

  • Jessica does (good luck!).

Finish your drink when:

  • A problem could be solved by someone checking their damn phone.
  • Jeri screws over somebody she’s supposed to be helping.
  • Jessica casually snaps a lock in half.
  • You cringe or flinch at something that happened onscreen.
  • Jessica unravels a mystery and somehow it makes things worse instead of better.

(Featured image via Jessica Jones)

Last modified on February 21st, 2017

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