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Five Health Issues That You Should Get Checked By Your Doctor

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Most people are unaware that they may be living with health issues that need to be checked out by their doctor. While regular check-ups can catch some of the more obvious health problems, our busy lives often prevent us from seeking medical attention when we should. What’s more, there are lots of health issues that we are able to spot and potentially diagnose at home. However, some conditions are harder to see and present only mild symptoms in the short-term.

That’s why it’s important for all of us to stay aware of our bodies. We need to know what symptoms might require a trip to the doctor for further evaluation. This blog post aims to provide you with a checklist of five health issues you should be aware of. You can make sure you get the care you need before potentially serious health conditions become an issue.

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol can affect anyone. The only way to diagnose this potentially fatal health issue is by having a test carried out by a medical professional.

There are many different reasons why someone may develop high cholesterol, with diet being one of the most important. If it’s not identified and treated properly, high cholesterol has been found to increase the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and many other serious health complications.

It’s recommended that all adults should be aware of their cholesterol numbers, regardless of age or health status. According to the American Heart Association, all healthy adults should look to get their levels tested every four to six years. If you are subject to underlying health conditions, you should look to undergo more regular examinations. Cholesterol levels can be tested for with either a finger-prick test or by having a blood sample taken from your arm.


Similar to high cholesterol, the only way to know for certain if you have diabetes is to get a blood test. If you notice any of the symptoms related to the condition, such as having blurry vision, feeling hungry or thirsty all the time, or needing to urinate a lot, then it’s important to contact your GP. However, some of the symptoms can be harder to spot.

As such, you should also look to get tested if you are susceptible to any of the risk factors that are associated with developing diabetes. These include if you have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, are over the age of 45, or are regularly inactive. It’s important to be aware of the early warning signs of diabetes. You can seek out medical help and start the correct treatment.

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Cancer is the leading cause of death globally. However, many types can be treated and cured if it’s found early enough. As a result, cancer screenings are recommended by health authorities. The most common cancer types that are checked for in screening tests are breast, cervical, and bowel cancer. Depending on your age and gender, it’s recommended that you undergo certain screenings at different times in your life. For example, the American Cancer Society recommends anyone of average risk should start testing for colon cancer at 45, whilst all people with a cervix should be screened for cervical cancer once they reach 25.

It’s important to note that there are some risks attached to cancer screenings, and the technology isn’t perfect. Sometimes cancers can be missed, whilst false-positive results are also possible. If you’re at high risk or concerned about developing cancer, it’s important to seek medical advice. Continuing to live a healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk is essential.

Persistent Headaches Or Migraines

Having consistent headaches or migraines can be an indication that something more serious is occurring in your body. The issues may feel like they’re caused by just regular stress and fatigue. However, they could be a sign of a lingering health problem. They may even show up as early warnings of a potential problem down the line.

If you have any persistent headaches or migraines, it’s important to take note of them. Then, follow up with your healthcare provider. They may be able to alleviate the pain through medication, lifestyle changes, or other treatments. Working with your doctor can help you get to the root cause. It can also prevent the symptoms from getting worse in time.


Living with obesity can present unique challenges in everyday life. Many people are unsure when it’s necessary to seek medical advice. Generally, if you are living with obesity and display any worrisome symptoms – like heart palpitations or constant low energy levels – then seeking medical advice can give you the understanding needed to start building the foundations of a healthier lifestyle.

Additionally, people living with obesity often have chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes or hypertension that may require regular monitoring by a doctor. It is important to see a doctor regularly to check in on your health. Even if you do not specifically have any of these conditions, you can proactively manage any potential issues before they progress.

Chris is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in web development and content optimization. He covers a wide range of topics in his posts and always looks to provide his readers with helpful advice.

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