9 Best Finance Blogs to Follow

Finance blogs are a great resource for those of us who don’t have money management quite figured out yet. And, lucky for us, money talk has become trendy in recent months — which means there’s tons and tons of content out there. But weeding through all that can be a huge undertaking—which is why I’ve done it for you (you’re welcome in advance).
Here are the nine best finance blogs for all your needs—whether that be getting out of debt, curbing impulse spending, or figuring out how to save and spend as a couple. Not every blog will speak to you, and that’s completely fine. Find the blog(s) whose voice and message will be most beneficial to you and dive in!
Get Rich Slowly
What started out as a small finance blog created to share personal debt elimination stories has turned into a profitable and informative business. Unlike some finance blogs that try to push stock tips and marketing fads on their website, Get Rich Slowly is focused on providing their readers with well-researched and relatable content. They try to teach readers how to best utilize the products and services that they already have to get the most for their time and money. They live by 12 key beliefs, a few of which I’ll share with you now:
- Money is more mind than math — overspending has more to do with our mind and impulse decisions than it does with actual math.
- Spend less than you earn — if you spend less than you make, you’ll always have a little extra to save or spend on items that you need.
- It’s more important to be happy than rich — money can be beneficial in pretty much every part of life but it won’t solve all your problems so don’t get too wrapped up in it.
- Do it now — the sooner you start saving and budgeting, the better off you’ll be in the long-run.
If you consciously remind yourself of these principles, you’ll be well on your way to financial stability (and growth) in no time.
MoneyNing is all about helping its readers become debt free, showing them how to build wealth over time, and allowing you to see how even the smallest financial changes impact their overall wealth. David Ning, the site’s founder, imparts some financial wisdom to us on the site: make more money and save more of it. It’s kinda hard to mess up when you’re following that idea (it’s simple and easy).
Wise Bread
Wise Bread is made specifically for those of us who are ballin’ on a budget. A community of bloggers is at your disposal, providing wisdom on everything from debt management to life hacks. Wise Bread’s team will teach you how to live the best life you can while staying within your means — which we all know can be hard sometimes. If you’re trying to get the most out every single dollar (and who isn’t?), look no further than Wise Bread. They’re mission is to usher in a new generation of money-conscious individuals that are able to live life to the fullest without going broke.
The Financial Diet
The Financial Diet is a personal finance blog and general life advice site that was started just three years ago — which is pretty impressive considering how popular they’ve become. (They actually just released their first book, The Financial Diet: The Total Beginner’s Guide to Getting Good With Money, and we’re obsessed.) TFD has turned into a community of people to share their most successful and embarrassing stories about life, which is super comforting for those of us who don’t have our shit together. They’re a great resources when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place and need advice from someone who’s been where you are — and actually made it through (probably less gracefully than you will).
Money Crashers
My favorite things about Money Crashers is that they’ve built an online community of people who care about finance and making the most of their money. This gives its members the opportunity to lean on each other for advice when they need it. With so many people plugged into this website you’re going to get a wide array of methods and views to choose from — and having options is always good. You’ll be able to find which saving and spending style (or styles) is best for you and start implementing it in no time.
They follow 11 principles that you should keep in mind when making financial decisions. The principles range from avoid scams and financial predators to student loans aren’t the only answer. Using these ideas (and many others), you’ll be able to take back control of your financial state.
Money After Graduation
If you’re a young professional trying to figure out all the things college didn’t teach you — like taxes and interest rates — then Money After Graduation will. The best thing about this finance blog is that it’s tailored specifically to 20-somethings and the financial problems that we face — and is all written by a millennial woman. While it can be extremely hard to live (even semi) well right after college due to debt and entry-level jobs, this blog is dedicated to showing it’s followers that life after graduation can actually be fun. She strives to push you to be your own boss and basically not take shit from anyone else. The site is user-friendly with detailed buttons so you’ll be able to effectively find what you’re looking for.
Also, if you want to learn more about Bridget Casey, the financial powerhouse behind Money After Graduation, go check out our podcast, EVESdropping, and get to know her (plus, she has a lot of advice to give on debt).
The Simple Dollar
The Simple Dollar should be your go-to for all things debt and spending. The founder, Trent Hamm, came from under significant debt and financial crisis to economic prosperity in just eight short months — and if he can do it, you can too. Unlike other finance blogs, since The Simple Dollar is a specialized site—so you’ll get the best, most educated content out there. They also have one of the most comprehensive eBooks, with 202 ways to save money now, which could be a real resource if you’re just starting out (or even if you’re a seasoned saving veteran and just want some fresh ideas).
Cash Cow Couple
Managing your own money is hard enough, but when you add another person into the mix, things can get even more difficult. This blog was created specifically to help married couples save money and reduce debt — although it’s not limited to couples since it’s expanded. My favorite thing about this site, along with other finance blogs like it, is that the content is extremely well thought-out and the author’s personal voices are very relatable and easy to read (especially because financial reading can be such a bore somethings).
Mr. Money Mustache
Get some kickass financial advice from a, now-40-something financial guru who was able to retire and raise his children in his thirties — I think we can all agree that’s super impressive. Mr. Money Mustache is not only entertaining but also informative and, in my opinion, one of the best financial resources out there. In short, MMM’s secret to financial freedom is spending what you should actually be spending as an individual or family, not what society has us thinking we should be spending. By cutting out some of the unnecessary luxuries, you could save tons of money.
Last modified on May 9th, 2018
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