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The 7 Best Things About Being Single

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Singlehood tends to have a negative connotation. People always want to give you the concerned head tilt and reassure you there are plenty of fish in the sea. To be honest though, that’s total crap. There’s nothing wrong with being single and refusing to settle.

In fact, being single is amazing. Whether you’re only single for the a year between serious relationships or for the majority of your adult life, it’s a great thing. All you have to do is banish the feelings of inferiority that society places on you and embrace the freedom.

Don’t believe me? Here are the best things about being single (but the list really doesn’t end here; the limit does not exist).

1. You Can Eat Whatever You Want

No need to ask someone else what they want to eat or tweak your preferred cooking style to fit their weird-AF aversion to garlic salt. You don’t have to eat at restaurants you don’t like or pass on your favorite dine-in spots simply because someone else doesn’t like them.

Bonus: You can eat as much as you want without worrying they won’t have as much food. Guess what? Eating a bowl of spaghetti larger than your face (without any judgment) is the true meaning of happiness.

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2. You Can Look Like Garbage While Vegging Out Without Judgment

Hello, baggy, ragged, gray sweat pants with holes in the crotch. This is a makeup-free zone, and that messy bun you’re rocking is a requirement. Just lie there and bask in the freedom.

3. You Don’t Have to Hide Your Less-Than-Glamorous Beauty Routines

When you’re unattached, you can walk around your home with cream slathered all over your face without shame. You can leave it on overnight if you want and no one will be all “ew, gross, that smells weird.” Beauty isn’t always beautiful behind the scenes, and now you don’t have to pretend otherwise.

4. You Can Wear Your Comfortable Underwear

Ah, feel that? That’s the feeling of your favorite, worn-in underwear against your skin. Sure, lace and silk and satin are fun to wear and look damn good, but sometimes you just want to slip into something truly comfortable. When you’re single, you can thrive in those comfy undies all night, every night. Unless you just want to treat yourself like the vixen you are, in which case more power to ya, sister.

5. You Can Literally Do Whatever the Hell You Want

As a single, powerful woman you are under no obligation to attend any boring work events (unless they’re yours, duh), visit “in-laws” you don’t like, or fake-laugh at the dumb jokes of your S.O.’s best friend. Instead, you’re free to see the friends you want, spend hours binge-watching the Netflix shows YOU want to watch, and dance around in your underwear while singing into a wooden spoon microphone. And that is quite frankly the most amazing thing ever.

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6. You Have a Plethora of Time to Focus on You and You Alone

Relationships are great, and being there for someone else is really special. You know what else is special though? Focusing on yourself, your wants, and your needs before everything else. When you’re single you can dedicate time to your own hobbies and interests with reckless abandon.

You can waste hours walking through museums you love, lying on the floor snuggling your pet, and slapping paint on every canvas you can get your hands on. You don’t have to worry about making anyone else happy but yourself.

7. You Can Figure Out What YOU Want

Planning your life with your significant other is cool and all, but having that single time to truly figure out what it is that you want for your life free of other people’s dreams is imperative. The only way you can truly create a life you’re happy with is by knowing what you want and need as an individual. People come and go, whether that be by choice or not, so you want to make sure the life you’re left with after them is one you still have a fiery passion for living.

Featured image via Create Her Stock
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