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6 Girl Power Movies to Watch for Motivation

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When inspiration is running short, the best thing to do is to look to other strong women for a push. If you can find those women IRL, that’s great — but sometimes a fictional woman is what you need most. On days or nights when you feel blah about everything — relationships, work, your closet — watching an inspiring movie with a strong female lead can turn everything around.

So go put on your favorite loungewear, pour a big glass of wine, grab a snack, and pop in one of these I-am-woman-hear-me-roar, life-changing movies.

1. The Devil Wears Prada

Meryl Streep’s portrayal of Miranda Priestly, take-no-prisoners magazine editor-in-chief, will leave you with a sense of your own personal strength and wanting to take on your career with as much zest and determination.

Likewise, Anne Hathaway’s character Andrea Sachs will inspire you to embrace who you are as an individual, but also want to put your best foot forward. This movie is all about figuring out who you’re going to be in your career — and even though Miranda Priestly isn’t the nicest person ever, her career determination is admirable.

2. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

It might be the quintessential chick flick, but this movie is a classic tale of strong women. Andy, played by Kate Hudson, wants to write more important pieces of journalism than her editor will allow her to. However, she sucks it up to pay her dues in hopes of a change. In the meantime, she’s asked to date a random guy and commit all of the classic dating mistakes for an article.

In a whirlwind of crazy antics, a bet gone wrong, and Matthew McConaughey’s abs, she learns what true love is and that she has the power to direct her own career. Watching this movie will improve your mood because it’s funny, adorable, and will absolutely remind you how awesome you are.

3. Legally Blonde

What could be more inspiring than a woman who realizes she’s worth way more than her good looks and sets out to prove every single doubtful person wrong? Nothing. Reese Witherspoon kills it as Elle Woods and shows the world that women can be just as smart as they are beautiful. No one should be underestimated by others, and certainly not by themselves, as Elle learns as she takes on Harvard Law School. Legally Blonde will leave you with a grin and the drive to get back to the grind so you can prove all of your haters wrong too.

4. A League of Their Own

If you ever need some reaffirmation that women can do everything a man can do just watch A League of Their Own. In this World War II era movie, a team of female baseball players take on the world of baseball, sports sexism, and their own personal demons. You’ll find yourself being even more grateful for the time you live in and motivated to continue chipping away at the glass ceiling we’re under. It’s a classic movie every woman needs to see at least once.

5. The Help

The stellar cast in The Help will bring you to tears as they tell the story of Skeeter, a writer, and several African American maids on a mission to tell the secret lives of maids in the racist South. You’ll be moved by the bravery, honesty, and determination of the group of women standing up to an entire caste system. This movie is perfect if you find yourself unhappy with the way you’re being treated or the situation you’re in. After all, if these women can face an entire community of white supremacists for the sake of racial equality, then you can face any situation in your life.

6. Erin Brockovich

Aside from the fact that Julia Roberts slays in the role, the true story of Erin Brockovich is one of the best examples that women can make a difference against the most insurmountable odds. Erin is a single mom struggling to feed her family, but she’s able to find a job and go toe-to-toe with a powerful company that’s poisoning the local water supply. She stands up for what’s right and is able to make a change in the lives of hundreds of people. If she can do that much as a single mom, you can overcome whatever obstacle you’re facing in your life.

There’s nothing wrong with turning to the world of movies for a kick in the butt to get you going. Sometimes losing yourself in a fictional world is the best way to better understand the real world. So turn on your DVD player and zone in on one of these timeless, motivational movies, and just try not to feel motivated to take control of your own life.

Featured image via TheDevilWearsPradaMovie
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