When you make the transition from attending college to working full-time, there are many changes that will happen in your life. There are going to be fewer late nights on weekdays, time (and money) spent building a new professional wardrobe, creating a new routine, and less time to spend socializing or pursuing hobbies. With all of these changes comes a bit of stress from new sources, which can manifest in bad moods, short tempers, neglected health, and many restless nights.
However, these new causes of stress will be offset by happy new experiences such as moving into your first apartment, finally upgrading to a larger bed (and probably a nicer mattress) than you had as a child, working your way up in the field you studied to be in, and putting down roots of your own as you create an “adult” life.
To improve your sleep quality and get into the habit of waking up refreshed every morning, take a look below at some of the most common sleep ailments, and some tips to overcome them every night.