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EVEsdropping: Equal Pay Day, Angela Kardashian, & Michelle Obama’s Hair

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Although EVEsdropping typically comes out each Wednesday, we decided to put this one out a day early in honor of Equal Pay Day (which is April 4th this year). What is Equal Pay Day? We’re so glad you asked!

National Equal Pay Day is the day in the year women must work to “catch up” to men’s earnings from the previous year. White women make 80% of what men make in the workplace, so it has taken us until today to make what men made in 2016.

What’s Going on in the News?

What We’re Loving This Week

Adulting Moments

How are you celebrating Equal Pay Day? Asking for a raise? Calling out a mansplainer? Use our hashtag #JustEVEsdropping and let us know your stories!

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