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Closet Cleaning: 7 Questions to Ask Before Tossing Something

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Closet cleaning is a necessary evil when you’re spring cleaning. If you’re cleaning out your closet, then you can’t just do the minimum refolding and tidying and expect to have a huge improvement. Proper closet organization involves going through each item, determining if it’s an item you want and need to keep or if it’s time to let it go. It’s a whole process, and no matter how many clothes you have or how big or small your closet, it takes time and a plan.

Closet organization tips will only help you so much if you don’t take the necessary time to clean out your old, unused items of clothing. That’s like sweeping sand off of a beach towel. The problem will be solved temporarily, but you’ll turn around to a fresh mess. The first step is figuring out how to clean out your closet and then organizing everything once that’s done.

So why bother cleaning out your closet and organizing it? Well, an organized closet that only contains clothes you absolutely love wearing will make your day-to-day life much easier. You won’t have to wade through a sea of grubby t-shirts you hate or spend 20 minutes searching for your favorite pair of pants that make you look like a Kardashian. When everything has a purpose in your wardrobe and a specific place to rest until you’re ready for it, then you’ll find things go much smoother in the hazy morning hours before work.

If you’re lost when it comes to cleaning out your closet, then never fear. Our easy-to-follow process of elimination will provide you with all the tools you need to clean out your clothes, make room for new items, and most importantly, create an organized space. Follow this series of questions when you’re ready for some closet cleaning.


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