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EVEsdropping: Pros and Cons of Having Roommates

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Roommates: We’ve all been there, done that. Is it worth it? We’re going over the pros and cons—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Plus, we’re talking about the new season of Dancing With the Stars, Uber’s president stepping down, Erin Condren’s Seasonal Surprise Box, The Mindy Project, and overcoming our fears of public speaking.

Real Talk: Pros and Cons of Having a Roommate



Roommate Horror Stories

Tips for Making it Werk

What’s Going on in the News?

What We’re Loving This Week

Boss/Adulting Moments

Hit us up on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag “JustEvesdropping” and tell us your roommate horror stories. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and review us on iTunes!

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