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Just How Much Do Millennials Love Planners?

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There are a few things millennials are obsessed with: Food, pets, and Snapchat filters to name a few—oh, and planners (of course) (duh).

In some way or another, most millennials have sought out tools to help them organize their lives and move up in their careers. Thing is, there are so many different tools and methods available that the world of planning has become a bit of a phenomenon. Whether it’s hashtags on Instagram and Twitter, Facebook groups devoted to planners, and YouTube videos explaining how someone uses their planner, millennials have watched, read, and researched it all.

Why the obsession? Because there’s more than one type of planner on the market. There are weekly planners, daily planners, hourly planners, fitness planners, meal planners, and so on and so on. They come in a variety of designs, styles, sizes, and materials too. Choosing the right one can be daunting.  All of these options have created dedicated followings for different planner brands — consumers swear by their planner of choice and are more than happy to voice all the reasons you should choose the same one.

The real kicker is the science behind the use of planners. By writing things down, millennials are increasing their overall ability to recall information, reducing their stress and anxiety, and upping their chances of achieving their goals. You can’t really blame us though – learning to #adult is hard, and we’re all desperate to do and have it all.

Thinking about all of the information is enough to make your head swim, so we put together an infographic to explain this deluge of planner information. You’ll never guess just how much money has been made from selling planners and planner accessories, how many tools there are out there, and just how much the millennial generation relies on their planners each day.


Follow Terra on Instagram: @terrabrown3

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