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4 Killer Hulu Commercial Workouts

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Resistance bands and hand weights on yoga mats set out in a simley face pattern on wooden floor background

Let’s be honest here. It’s hard to choose between going to the gym and catching up on your favorite shows on Hulu. Even though the gym is obviously good for your health, it’s still not always as appealing as getting lost in a fictional world (in the comfort of your own home).

You don’t have to choose one or the other though. By utilizing those commercial breaks for something other than skimming Twitter, you can build a stronger body while watching TV. I’ve put together some quick and simple workouts you can complete while waiting on those commercials to end.

No equipment is needed. Just have on a good sports bra, your gym clothes, and a pair of sneakers. And maybe give your roommate/significant other a heads up so they don’t peak around the corner and wonder what on Earth you’re doing.

Do each move until the commercial ends. If the show you’re watching has fewer commercials, complete the extra moves during the credits. If there are more commercials, start the workout over again.

Leg workout:

Abs and Shoulders Workout:

Arm Workout:

Cardio Workout:

Follow Terra on Instagram: @terrabrown3

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